
“To fulfill our fellowship’s primary purpose, the NA groups have joined together to create a structure which develops, coordinates, and maintains services on behalf of NA as a whole.”

“While recovery meetings are NA’s most important service, they are not the only means we have of fulfilling our fellowship’s primary purpose. Other NA services attract the still-suffering addict to our meetings, carry our message to addicts in institutions, make recovery literature available, and provide opportunities for groups to share their experience with one another. No one of these services, by itself, comes close to matching the value of group recovery meetings in carrying our message; each, however, plays its own indispensable part in the overall program devised by the NA Fellowship to fulfill its primary purpose.” —Excerpt from Twelve Concepts for NA Service, First Concept

Get a Commitment!

The Activities subcommittee is a committee made up of Narcotics Anonymous members who coordinate and plan functions which promote unity and maintain an atmosphere of recovery in the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous in the Bay Area. The primary purpose of the Activities Subcommittee is to promote unity and fellowship for the Bay Area of Narcotics Anonymous. The Activities Subcommittee is responsible for organizing and hosting events such as: dances, picnics, campout’s, etc. in a recovery oriented atmosphere.
Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday at Terra Nova 6:30 PM

The Hospitals & Institutions subcommittee is a committee made up of Narcotics Anonymous members who initiates, coordinate and conduct all local H&I meetings/presentations within the Bay Area. The primary purpose of the H&I subcommittee is to carry the NA message of recovery to any addict whose attendance at regular NA meetings is restricted. It initiates, coordinates and conducts all local NA H&I meetings.
Meets 1st Sunday of the month at Terra Nova 9:30 AM 

The Public Relations subcommittee is a committee made up of Narcotics Anonymous members who help to create awareness of Narcotics Anonymous in the community.
Meets the first Sunday of the month at Terra Nova 10:30AM 

The Helpline Committee  maintains and coordinates an effective 24 hour, 7 day per week phone line. The subcommittee attempts to make NA available to any addicts seeking recovery by informing those who reach out to us where they can find an NA meeting. They do so by following the 12 traditions and the policy guidelines of the phone line and the area.
Meets the first Sunday of the month at Terra Nova 9 AM


Area Service Committee meets on the second Sunday of every month on Zoom at 9:30 AM. The Policy subcommittee meets before ASC at 9 AM at the same location.


