GSR Report Form

Please fill out this form to submit your GSR Report to the ASC Secretary electronically.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Month (required)

    Year (required)

    Group Name (required)

    GSR Name (required)

    GSR Phone (required)

    Alternate GSR Name

    Alternate GSR Phone

    7th Tradition Contribution

    Meeting Day(s):

    Meeting Time(s):

    Home Group Members:

    Meeting Attendance:

    If you are a new or existing GSR that wishes to receive minutes via email or mail, please fill out an Address Update Form.

    Did you submit an Address Update Form?

    List below anything you wish to report to the Area (elections and other group conscience decisions, activities, format
    and location changes, difficulties, etc.). Since this section will be typed as-is, please write legibly, double-check, and do not include personal contact infomation.

    Enter the characters you see here in the field below (just making sure you're human)
