Bay Area Service Committee (ASC)

Date(s) - 08/13/2017
9:30 am - 1:30 pm

Terra Nova

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What is the ASC?

The Area Service Committee is a group of recovering addicts created to provide common services for Narcotics Anonymous groups in a specific locale. ASC is composed of Group Service Representatives or GSRs (Trusted Servants of the Groups), ASC Officers (Trusted Servants of the ASC) and Subcommittee Chairpersons (Trusted Servants of the ASC). An ASC is usually part of a region, to which it sends Region Committee Members (RCMs).

When is the ASC?

The Bay Area Service Committee meets 12 times per year, usually every second Sunday of every month.

How Do I Join The Bay Area Service Committee?

Being a Group Service Representative is an honor and a privledge. GSRs are the voice of their group and it is up to them to carry the Group’s voice and vote at the area level. If you want to become a GSR first start by getting a home group and get involved. If you already have a home group you’ll want to attend business meetings. Then start by taking a commitment. If the GSR position is open and you meet your group’s requirements you can express your desire to serve and be elected into a position.